How Biomimicry can help humans developpe more sustainables space systems ?
This video illustrate some concepts we develope during a course at ENSCI les Ateliers.
Like inorbit satelites maintenance and fabrication, swarm behaviours in space, moon exploration throught worms robot, selfbuilding inhabitat etc...
Video trailer down this page ︎︎︎
This video illustrate some concepts we develope during a course at ENSCI les Ateliers.
Like inorbit satelites maintenance and fabrication, swarm behaviours in space, moon exploration throught worms robot, selfbuilding inhabitat etc...
Video trailer down this page ︎︎︎
ENSCI les Ateliers, Big Bang Project, ESA
Blender, Davinci Resolve
ENSCI les Ateliers, Big Bang Project, ESA
Blender, Davinci Resolve